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Explore Click here to see the footage of the taped segment. He says Amedure’s crush is flattering, but reiterates that he is not interested. Jones asks Schmitz about his relationship status and he says he’s available, but straight. Schmitz is jovial toward Amedure, but appears embarrassed again when Jones has her staff roll back the footage of Amedure talking about his sexual fantasies. (AP Photo)įootage of the segment, made public in recent years, shows a laughing, embarrassed-looking Schmitz turn to Amedure and Riley and say, “You lied to me.” Schmitz, who gunned down Amedure three days after learning on camera that Amedure had a same-sex crush on him, was released from prison Tuesday after serving 22 years for murder.

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Murder victim Scott Amedure, left, and his killer, Jonathan Schmitz, both of Lake Orion, Michigan, are seen in a video still from an unaired 'Jenny Jones' segment filmed on March 6, 1995, in Chicago.

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